Friday, October 23, 2009


23rd October 09

...Tis morning i went to office to find my chemistry teacher n discuss some chemistry questions wif her.. At tat time my classmate's Chu Hui was also wif me...He suddenly told teacher tat he is very lazy to read chemistry....When he looks on d book,then he will feel sleepy....

....Then my teacher said to Chu Hui tat he must has determination....Muz force himself to read... Then Chu hui replied:'' aiya...u inteligent ma...."....Then my teacher replied back wif an gud answer:''世上成功的人,都是用努力去奋斗的;世上聪明的人,未必会成功。。。'' 就算是天才,他们自小就可以读大学,但到最后他们的遭遇都是很可怜的。。。老师也是不是很聪明,但老师是很努力的去奋斗才有成果的。。

.....i think i got my answer alrdy....i know wat to do .... I will stand up no matter d increasing of falling down....i will have strong determination....My brain slow than other ppl,but nvm...I put more hardwork on it,somedays i will better than other ppl....Tis is my last chance...I can!! I can!! I can do well...! thx God's helping..^^