Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holidays Schedule (December)

Start from tomorrow,i will start my study on F4 subjects...First of all,i would like to plan my holidays schedule now...haha...I realized that now is too late for me to study..My god d..Since last two day i bought add maths to read,i found that chapter 1 is very easy...But,its just the begining..haiz..When i looked through the questions,it seemed to be easier to answer...Unfortunately,I can't explain it..I know how to do,but failed to explain it..haiz..haha

Let us see wat im going to do after today:

Monday:10am to 12pm Study
2pm-3pm pray or read bible
after3pm sleep or continue study
8pm-10pm tuition
after tuition Do homework,chatting,write blog or sleep

Tuesday:10am-12pm study
2pm-4pm pray or read bible
after 4pm rest or continue study
8pm-10pm study
after 10pm sleep

Wednesday and Thursday:same as usual..

Friday:8am-4pm Band Practice
8pm-10pm study
after 10pm rest

saturday:8am-4pm Band Practice
5.30pm to 7.30pm study
after 7.30pm until 10.30pm go to temple
after 10.30pm rest

Sunday:10am-12.30pm study
12.30pm to 5.00pm go to gym
after 5.00pm rest
7pm to 8.30pm Homework
after 8.30pm study
10.30pm rest


1 comment:

14 said...

waoooo... so busy